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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Immigration Ban or Campaign Move?

On Tuesday, Trump released more details on his executive order which would effectively limit issuing permanent residency visas for 60 days (excluding farm workers, landscapers and crab pickers — the largest source of immigration).

Trump argues that it would be " wrong and unjust" for American jobs to be replaced by immigrants while the unemployment rate reaches unprecedented levels. But, the President refuses to ban temporary foreign workers who play a crucial role in supplying food and staffing industries.

According to Envoy Global, an immigration service provider, immigrants make up a substantial portion of crucial sectors, "including 17 percent of healthcare workers, 24 percent of direct-care workers, including the nurses and assistants, and 28 percent of high-skilled professionals in the field, including physicians and surgeons" 

Although the Trump administration hides behind the pretext of health and security, the prospective executive order fails to accomplish any of his touted goals. Ultimately, the measure it meant to galvanize his base in anticipation of the upcoming election while ignoring the very real and pressing health crisis.

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