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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Jeb Harvesting Endorsements through PAC?

Potential presidential candidate Jeb Bush's "Right to Rise" PAC has already begun making contributions. Last week, money went to Senators and Representative who will face a tough relection in 2016, such as Sen. Portman fromOhio and Rep. McSally from Arizona. Right to Rise also gave money to state Republican parties in states with early Republican presidential primaries, like New Hampshire. 

Although the PAC's activities have drawn public attention, the contributions totaled only $100,000--a small sum compared to the money spent in 2014. Nevertheless, a few thousand dollars is substantial this early in the cycle. Reports have indicated that the group hopes to raise $100 million by April 2015.

Jeb presides as the PAC’s honorary chairman, but he would have to step down if he were to run for president. Until then, he looks forward to supporting fellow Republicans: 

“I'm proud to support great conservative candidates who are committed to renewing America's promise by expanding opportunity and igniting upward mobility in our country...In the coming months, our PAC will continue to support conservative candidates and conservative policies that will ensure all Americans have the right to rise.”

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