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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

2015 Simulation Roles

Foreign Relations Republicans

Bob Corker, TN, chair:  Charlie Montgomery
Marco Rubio, FL: Chloe Zagrodzky
Ron Johnson, WI: Harry Arnold
Jeff Flake, AZ: Eddie Villa
Rand Paul, KY:  Ian O'Grady

Foreign Relations Democrats

Bob Menendez, NJ, ranking: Kayla Nonn
Barbara Boxer, CA: Victor Lopez
Jeanne Shaheen, NH: Kyra McAndrews
Tim Kaine, VA:  Meredith Cockerham

Commerce Republicans

John Thune, SD, chair:  Miles Wilson
Roy Blunt, MO:  Joe Hylton
Kelly Ayotte, NH: Christina Coffin
Deb Fischer, NE: Kevin Covarrubias
Ted Cruz, TX:  Kosta Psaltis
Mitch McConnell, KY*:  Sho Kajima

Commerce Democrats

Bill Nelson, FL, ranking:  James Gordon
Maria Cantwell, WA:  Annie Hwang
Claire McCaskill, MO: Maddie Stein
Amy Klobuchar, MN: Sloan Caldwell
Harry Reid, NV*:  Nadeem Farooqi

*Added for simulation purposes

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