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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Homestyle and Alma Mater

In class, we discussed the importance of a member of Congress's connection to her district. In order to appeal to voters and win reelection, members must show that they identify and empathize with their constituents. Prof. Pitney mentioned that, although although he was not born in Wyoming (an informal qualification for office in the state), Dick Cheney emphasized that he graduated from the University of Wyoming.

The Washington Post published this useful infographic that displays where the senators from each state wen to college. One of the primary observations is that 6 in 10 senators went to college in that state they represent. Moreover, fewer senators went to Ivy League schools than one would expect--only 18%. (Compare this number to the law schools on the Supreme Court.) It is also interesting to see which states elect Ivy Leaguers. There is also a large BYU contingent in the Mountain West stretching from Arizona through Idaho. My conclusion is going to college in state advantages candidates in running for office. Second, an Ivy League education may help, but it depends on which state you hope to represent (and maybe their education level?).

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