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Monday, March 4, 2019

Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA)

Kamala Harris is a first-term Senator from Oakland. Her background is in prosecution, serving as the District Attorney of San Francisco (2004-2011) as well as the Attorney General of California (2011-2017). She announced her campaign for the 2020 Democratic nomination for President in January of this year. Harris is a Democrat and leans to the left. She will likely try to help her candidacy through passing progressive legislation but will have to distinguish herself from two fellow Democratic senators in the Judiciary committee that are also running for the 2020 bid (Booker and Klobuchar). 

Harris’ stance has been focused on groups of citizens that are disenfranchised, but is shifting her language to focus on lowering taxes for the middle class. She supports a range of progressive objectives, including the legalization of marijuana, Medicare for All, and the preservation of sanctuary cities. Harris is not considered to be a moderate Democrat, and has/will be attempting to navigate a presidential race that is unlikely to reward a candidate that is unable to achieve the undecided and more moderate vote.

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