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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

A Fresh Example of a Fundraising Email

Just arrived in my in-box:

Conservatives of America

So I always say they’re lousy politicians, but they do two things. They’re vicious and mean. Vicious. Adam Schiff is a vicious, horrible person. Nancy Pelosi is a horrible person. And she wanted to impeach a long time ago when she said, I pray for the president. She doesn’t pray. She may pray but she prays for the opposite. But I doubt she prays at all. These are vicious people.
-President Donald Trump, Feb 6, 2020

Fellow Patriot:

Let’s face it: Nancy Pelosi broke the law when she tore up the President’s speech. It’s also clear that she’s lost her mind.

I’m John Dennis, the Republican candidate and businessman who is going to retire her from political office.

As we all know, Pelosi threw a temper tantrum and ripped up the copy of the President’s speech. She didn’t just deface the President’s speech; she spat on our nation’s history, the Tuskegee airman, Rush Limbaugh, a little girl from Philadelphia, a mother weeping for her child, and a soldier returning home to his family.

When questioned by the media, she had the audacity to claim she was justified:
“So, it was, in my view, a manifesto of mistruths, of falsehoods, blatantly, really dangerous to the well-being of the American people if they believed what he said. So, again we do not want the chamber of the House of Representatives to be used as a backdrop for one of his reality shows with unreality in his presentation.”

Nancy’s actions were an absolute disgrace. As I’ve said for years, she is everything that is wrong with the Washington Swamp. The same swamp that President Trump is trying to drain.

Imagine the epic tantrum that Nancy will throw in November when the voters in our district finally throw her out of office for acting like this?

There’s no better way to show her just how much Americans have REJECTED her than by fundraising off her little stunt, which is why I want to raise another $50,000 in the NEXT 24 HOURS.

Crushing Nancy and her socialist dreams is paramount this year, so I’m counting on YOU to step up, join my team, make sure Pelosi hears your voice and help me protect the American Dream.

Pelosi and her cadre of socialists want revenge and a second bite at the impeachment apple. They want to force socialism upon your family and mine, and tax all of us into lifelong debt to pay for it.

As President Trump said, Pelosi is mean and vicious, so we can’t take anything for granted if you want to prevent a second impeachment and preserve our way of life. It will be an all hands-on deck effort if we're going to remove Nancy from Congress in the next eight months so please don’t hesitate to get involved.

Yours in liberty,

John Dennis
Republican for Congress
Father, husband, businessman and patriot


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