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Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Schumer and McConnell showdown previews floor fight on Democrats’ election bill - (Melinda Ximen Blogpost)

 The following is a post from Melinda:

The majority leader and minority leader of the Senate Rules Committee sparred over Democrats’ expansive election and ethics bill. Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell each accused the other’s party of trying to weaponize voting laws to expand its political power. 

This showdown between leaders serves as a preview for the upcoming floor right as the Democrats push forward on the election bill, S. 1. The legislation is a top priority for the party, especially its progressive base. Democrats say they must act as soon as possible to rein in laws pushed by GOP-controlled state legislature that are designed to restrict access to voting.

Tuesday’s markup is expected to last for hours as Republicans are offering 100 amendments. Manchin is the only Senate Democrat to not publicly sign on as a co-sponsor of the bill.

The elections proposal passed the House  on a near-party line vote in March and died in the Senate without a vote. President Biden has repeatedly spoken in favor of the bill, calling for Congress to send it to his desk during his first joint address.

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