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Monday, May 10, 2021

Governor Gavin Newsom’s New Program

California Governor Gavin Newsom has met the state’s requirement to force a recall election. This recall is a response to Newsom’s efforts to navigate the pandemic and is generally supported by White supremacists, anti-Semites, and those opposed to immigration. Several Republicans have already entered the race to challenge Newsom, including Caitlyn Jenner. The state will vote on two questions: whether they want to recall Newsom and if so, who they would like instead. Newsom is not allowed to be included on the latter list. Currently, his approval rating is safely above 50%, though 4 out of 10 voters said they would recall Newsom. 

Today, Newsom proposed a new program within his $100 billion “California Comeback Plan”. This original plan included provisions from direct relief to reinvestment in public infrastructure and is intended to help Californians bounce back fully from the pandemic. This new program aims to pull from the $75.7 billion in surplus and use $12 billion on a year-over-year rebate. The passage of this plan would send $600 stimulus checks to those earning less than $75,000 and will benefit two out of every three residents. This plan would generate good publicity for Newsom in the face of this recall election, which is needed as more opponents join the race. 


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