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Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Parliamentarian on Reconciliation and the Death of Rep. Alcee Hastings

 Monday night the Senate Parliamentarian ruled that budget reconciliation could be used multiple times in the same year, which will change Democrats' calculations on how they can get legislation through the narrowly-divided chamber. This article from The Hill lists and explains 5 ways this changes things:

1. Biden can potentially get a lot more done without GOP support

2. It further erodes the power of the filibuster

3. It gives even more power to Joe Manchin. 

4. It decouples the legislative schedule from budgeting

5. It takes pressure off the debt ceiling

Also, Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL), the co-chair of the Florida congressional delegation, passed away at 84. We talked about him earlier in the course, because he was impeached and removed from the federal bench in 1989. He then failed in a run for Florida Secretary of State in 1990, but won election to the House representing Florida's 20th congressional district in 1992. 2013 redistricting moved him to the 23rd district. He never faced serious challengers in his congressional career given the strong Democratic lean of his majority-Black district.

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