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Monday, May 4, 2020

New Coronavirus Relief may be Stalled

As Senate returns, multiple stumbling blocks threaten next coronavirus bill

"WASHINGTON — As the Senate returns Monday after being forced from the Capitol by the coronavirus outbreak, the next round of emergency relief legislation could be weeks away as Democrats, Republicans and the White House are pushing conflicting priorities for the next bill.
Republicans want liability protections for businesses. Democrats want more state and local government aid. And President Donald Trump wants to “pause” more legislation for now, but won’t consider anything that doesn’t include a payroll tax cut.
“We’re not doing anything unless we get a payroll tax cut,” Trump said Sunday night during a Fox News town hall.
Trump has mused about a payroll tax cut throughout the coronavirus response efforts, but the proposal has received a lukewarm reception from Republicans and Democrats in Congress. Trump privately discussed a payroll tax cut with Senate Republicans ahead of the passage of the CARES Act, but the party never unified behind the idea."

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