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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

First immigrant in ICE detention center tests positive for COVID-19

This post is especially for students assigned to the Judiciary Committee.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, we must follow two simple rules: impose social distance and constantly wash hands with soap. However, ICE detention centers are notorious for their crowded and unsanitary conditions. According to the New York Times, most young detainees go without showering in the duration of their stay. Detainees at the Elizabeth Detention Center in New Jersey are given 1 bar of soap per week. If they want more soap, they have to buy it. Guards are given hand sanitizer; migrants are not. Dozens of migrants sleep together in a shared common dorm.

Given these conditions, a COVID-19 outbreak in a detention center will be a public health catastrophe.

This morning, an immigrant in New Jersey became the first ICE detainee to test positive for COVID-19. ICE detainees in New Jersey launched a hunger strike for soap. The ACLU of California is suing ICE, calling for the immediate release of 13 at-risk detainees in 2 California detention centers. Likewise, ACLU of Washington is suing ICE, calling for the release of at-risk detainees at a Tacoma detention center.

In my opinion, those who are the most vulnerable to COVID-19 must be the priority of all containment attempts, including the undocumented.

Proposed policies I have seen include a moratorium on deportations, moratorium on ICE arrests, release of at-risk detainees, and the release of all detainees.

Does the class have any policy ideas?








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