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Sunday, February 17, 2019

Dana Rohrabacher Trashed a Rental House

Dana Rohrabacher may be known as Vladimir Putin's (former) best friend in Congress, but he is no friend to rental properties. The original OC Weekly story on this is down, but this Curbed article offers a succinct summary and excerpts:
"In April 2010, long-time US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher and his family moved into an "immaculate" million-dollar rental house in Costa Mesa; in August 2012, he moved out of what had become "a shockingly horrific pigsty, a dump worse than a college fraternity house of unhygienic slobs unfamiliar with the most basic tools of cleaning," as the OC Weekly describes it. The details are truly disgusting."
In addition to learning their legislative roles, I think it's important to read things that humanize our representatives, and help us understand what they are like in their personal lives.

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