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Monday, March 25, 2019

"Welcome to the Minority"

Melanie Zanona and Sarah Ferris at Politico:
During the last two sessions of Congress, Democrat Bobby Rush and Republican Richard Hudson introduced legislation together to improve workforce-training programs.
But this year, Rush altered the language to the bill and stripped out a previous key element: Hudson.

“He reintroduced it, and he’s added all this money to it, and didn’t consult me,” the North Carolina Republican said.
Hudson is among several frustrated Republicans who have lashed out at their Democratic colleagues in recent days, arguing that Democrats have shut them out of the legislative process by refusing to work cooperatively on bills — including some they once co-authored.
Republicans claim Democrats, at the direction of their leadership, are determined to deny GOP incumbents any big victories heading into 2020 on a host of issues — from prescription drugs to immigration reform — and are dropping the bipartisan approach they seemed to promise during the last election.
Democrats have one response: Welcome to the minority.

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