I shall post videos, graphs, news stories, and other material there. We shall use some of this material in class, and you may review the rest at your convenience. You will all receive invitations to post to the blog. (Please let me know if you do not get such an invitation.) I encourage you to use the blog in these ways:
To post questions or comments about the readings before we discuss them in class;
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To post relevant news items or videos.

There are only two major limitations: no coarse language, and no derogatory comments about people at the Claremont Colleges.

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Thursday, March 9, 2023

Congress and the Executive II

Because of a 1 pm meeting, student hour today will be immediately after class.  If that time does not work, email me for a Zoom.

Binder article in Thurber:  SALIENT issues often give way to gridlock, especially during divided government.

NAIL: Nominations, Appropriations, Investigations, Legislation

Legislation:  Executive Branch Organization and Laws on Reporting 
Subpoenas and Contempt of Congress

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Congress and the Executive I

Simulation details.  Will adjourn early for informal caucusing.

2021 sim

2022 sim

The article about Lauren Underwood.

For Thursday, Thurber, ch. 4.

The Struggle Over Presidential Authority: Article I and Article II

Vetoes (Davidson 300-303).  Biden has not vetoed any bills yet.

1— Strongly Support Passage
2— Support Passage
3— Do not Object to Passage
4— No Position on Passage
5— Oppose
6— Strongly Oppose
7— Secretary’s Veto Threat (single and multiple agency)
8— Senior Advisor’s Veto Threat
9— Presidential Veto Threat
Newt Gingrich, Lessons Learned the Hard Way (1998):
We had not only failed to take into account the ability of the Senate to delay us and obstruct us, but we had much too cavalierly underrated the power of the President, even a President who had lost his legislative majority and was in a certain amount of trouble for other reasons. I am speaking of the power of the veto. Even if you pass something through both the House and the Senate, there is that presidential pen. How could we have forgotten that? For me especially it was inexcusable, because when I was Republican whip during the Bush Administration one of my duties had been precisely to help sustain presidential vetoes.
Item Veto (Davidson 303): Supreme Court struck it down in Clinton v. City of New York.

Guess who was primarily responsible..

Signing statements 
Courts can also undo actions.  The case of DAPA -- US v. Texas

Power to Persuade

Sim 2023

 Welcome to the simulation! You are joining the hybrid version of an old tradition, which started in the 1970s with Profs. Jerome Garris of Claremont McKenna College, Walter Zelman of Pitzer, and Daniel Mazmanian of Pomona. Professors David Menefee-Libey of Pomona and Dana Ward of Pitzer developed it further.


Each participant will a current senator. Students will keep faith with their members' public views and operating styles.  Players should always ask themselves:  "What would the person I'm playing do in this particular situation?"  Players are, however, free to be more vigorous and skillful than their real-life counterparts. 

The four stages in the simulation are 
  1. Presidential statement and the opposition response;
  2. Committee hearings;
  3. Committee markups;
  4. Floor session. 
A debriefing may take place the Monday after the simulation.

In addition to the scheduled sessions, participants may use Zoom or other electronic means to hold party or committee caucuses. DIYThese caucuses do not require the participation of the instructor.

All bills must go via Google Docs or email to both party leaders and all members of the committee by 11:59 pm of the Monday before simulation, to allow all members to study the proposals and consider amendments.  No bill reported out of committee may be longer than 10 pages (single-spaced, 12-point type on standard paper (virtual) with 1-inch margins).

In committee and on the floor, all voting will take place by show of hands or Zoom polling.  (The real Senate does roll calls, but time constraints rule out that method.)

Presidential statement and opposition party response. (Tuesday, March 21)

Democrats will recruit a student or alum of the Claremont Colleges to portray the actual current president. The President will begin the simulation by presenting his views on policy matters under consideration.  The opposition party may choose a current student or alum to present a response. 

Committee hearings. (Tuesday, March 21 and Thursday March 22 ).  Meetings and hearings during class time will take place in person in our classroom (Kravis 103) and Kravis 164.  Committees may also meet by Zoom during the evening.

All bills must go to both party leaders by 11:59 PM on Monday before the simulation, to allow all members to study the proposals and consider amendments.  All bills related to policy matters will go to committee.  No bill reported out of committee may be longer than 10 pages (single-spaced, 12-point type with 1-inch margins).

The committee chair or her/his designee will preside over the work of the committee.

Any schedule and rules for procedure within each committee shall be by agreement between the chair and ranking member of that committee if not specified already by this document.  No committee meetings beyond those already in this document may take place without the consent of the ranking minority member of the committee.

No committee business may proceed in the absence of a quorum constituted by at least a majority of the committee's members, and including at least one member of the minority party.  The purpose of this quorum rule is to ensure minority participation, not to encourage dilatory tactics.  The course instructor reserves the right to respond appropriately to abuse of the rule.  (In other words, no walkouts.)

Each committee will conduct hearings in order to develop at least one bill.  Students and alums of the Claremont Colleges may play witnesses. (In particular, consider students in the Interest Groups course as well as simulation alumni.)  The parties should recruit witnesses and help them prepare. Witnesses will appear before the committee to present testimony for or against the legislation and answer the committee members' questions. 

  • The chair of the committee may begin with short welcoming remarks and may read an opening statement outlining his or her views on the legislation. The ranking member and other committee members may have opening remarks of their own.
  • Witnesses may testify individually or in panels (groups).
  • Each witness opens with a brief statement for or against the bill in question.
  • Each witness may provide as elaborate a presentation, with charts or other aids, as time allows. Such decisions are wholly within the control of the committee members.
  • The chair starts the questioning, followed by the ranking member. The questioning alternates back and forth from Republican to Democrat until the least senior member on each side of the aisle has been heard. (Variants: Some committees use a "first come, first heard" system, in which members are recognized for questions in the order in which they arrived at the session. The chair and ranking member may negotiate situations in which only a limited number of committee members ask questions. Use of these variants must gain unanimous consent.)
  • Each member usually gets time (for example, five minutes) to question each witness before the committee. The chair usually determines the time allotted for questioning as the session proceeds, given the constraints of time allotted for the entire session. The chair is sole judge of the time expended by each membere. If there is time left over, the chair may divide it among those members who have further questions.
  • The chair usually concludes the questioning.
As a means of maintaining decorum, no member may disparage another member. Any violation may be subject to appropriate action by the committee and the Senate. Each member must address colleagues with respect. Appropriate forms of address are "My distinguished colleague," or "I am happy to yield to my colleague from the state of ---," or "I do not wish to yield any of my time to the Senator from ---," and so forth.

The chair shall not allow personal accusations or any derogatory statements against witnesses. The chair should respond appropriately to violations of this rule. Responses may include a warning to the member about the inappropriate conduct and in extreme cases expulsion from the chamber. Witnesses will have time to present their testimony as the chair deems appropriate. Witnesses should summarize their testimony. Witnesses may not question the members of the committee except by their permission

Markup (Tuesday, March 28)

During markup, committees consider bills and engage in brief deliberations. The goal is to have each committee vote out at least one final bill for consideration by the full Senate. Members may amend or rewrite any bill. The number and order of bills considered by the committee shall be by agreement of the chair and ranking member. Time is short, so the number of bills must be small.

The committee chair or the chair's designee shall preside over each committee, including markup and voting. The presiding officer shall maintain a semblance of parliamentary order.

Members should agree to markup procedure before they begin considering amendments. Such ground rules bring order to the consideration of bills.

For example, the committee may begin consideration of a bill in markup with the first title, or first section, and continue through the last title and last section. Alternately, they may consider amendments on a first-come, first-served basis and work until a bill can command a majority vote. Again, the aim is to report at least one bill to the Senate with whatever amendments the committee approves.
  • Germaneness. The Senate and its committees may consider only those amendments that relate to the legislation. If the amendment in question does not fall within the area of the bill, it is subject to a point of order of "nongermaneness" and can be stricken. Whether an amendment is germane is determined by the presiding officer; that decision is subject to a vote, if called, by the full subcommittee or committee.  Under the circumstances, and like the real Senate, we shall avoid being hypertechnical about germaneness.
  • Origin of Amendments. Any member of the committee can present an amendment to a pending bill as long as that amendment is germane. Amendments must be seconded.
  • Quorum. In this simulation, a quorum requires at least a majority of the committee's members.  
  • Recognition for Points of Order. If a member seeks recognition for a point of order, that member must be recognized. The member must then state the point of order succinctly, and it must relate to a suspected violation of rules upon which the chair must rule. Similarly, a member may seek to be recognized for a parliamentary inquiry, in which the member seeks to clarify the present status of debate, discussion, rights, or rules upon which that member is not clear and is seeking advice or a ruling from the chair at a later time. This course in only for a genuine inquiry, not messaging or partisan gamesmanship. A member may be ruled out of order by if the chair determines that the inquiring member does not seek to make a germane inquiry. Time is short, so the instructor will frown on dilatory tactics.
  • Majority. All votes within the committee will require a simple majority of votes.
At the end of the markup session, the committee must vote whether to report the bill. The chair calls for a  vote and counts the yeas and nays. Here are some of the options the committee has in reporting a bill:
  • Report the bill without amendment: the committee makes no changes to the text of the bill as introduced.
  • Report the bill with one comprehensive amendment: the committee adopts what is called an amendment in the nature of a substitute (that is, it strikes all text after the enacting clause and substitutes the text of the amended bill approved by the committee).
  • Report the bill with a series of discrete amendments: the committee may adopt multiple amendments.
  • Order a clean bill reported: a clean bill is simply the original bill, along with the amendments adopted by the full committee, which is introduced again and assigned a new number.
  • Report unfavorably or adversely: committees rarely report a bill adversely because it is easier simply to kill the legislation in committee. (This latter course is not an option in the simulation.)
To make a motion to report the bill (as amended), you would say, "Mr. Chairman (or Madam Chairman), I move that the committee report the bill (as amended). When the full committee has approved the motion, the bill is reported.

Floor Action (Thursday, March 30)

In the final stage, all legislators debate and act on the measures reported by the committees.

The majority leader will name a member to preside over the full session of the Senate, acting as the President of the Senate Members will address the Presiding Officer as Madam or Mister President.

So that the party balance will be realistically close, the Minority Leader will be able to cast two votes on all roll calls.

The Presiding Officer will maintain a semblance of parliamentary order and will rule on all parliamentary inquiries. The majority and minority leaders will jointly decide on any rules governing debate not specified in this document, subject to the instructor's approval. In the simulation, these rules will not be subject to objection.  The instructor will have the last word on any disputes.

The quorum required for conducting business on the Senate floor consists of at least a majority of all members.  (Past simulations included walkouts in attempts to deny a quorum.  Again, we do not have time for such tactics this year.)

Bills will come up sequentially, in whatever order the party leaders deem appropriate. The majority leader and minority leader shall negotiate a "unanimous consent agreement" for consideration of all bills providing for scheduling and amendment rules for each. The "unanimous consent agreement" will specify which amendments will be in order. Each bill will have a brief period of debate, evenly divided between majority and minority members.

The bills will be presented by a majority floor manager to be designated by the majority leader (it will usually be the chair of the relevant committee). As floor managers, the committee chair and the ranking minority member (or their designee) control the allocation of the debate time under the rule. Members of the committee get first preference, followed by other members of the Senate.

The presiding officer recognizes the majority and minority floor managers for debate. To begin debate time, the floor manager says: "Madam President (or Mr.  President), I yield myself such time as I may consume."

The majority floor manager, who introduces the bill, explains the bill, and begins the general debate, is followed by the minority floor manager. The Presiding Officer then alternates in recognizing the majority and minority floor managers, who then yield time to their partisan colleagues. Senate members are granted time in minutes or blocks of minutes. Majority and minority floor managers are responsible for monitoring usage of time. Members desiring to speak on the measure will arrange time in advance with the floor manager.

Debate expires at the end of the time allotted under the rule or when all requests for time have been honored, if earlier. To end debate time, the floor manager says, "Mr. President (or Madam President), I have no further requests for time and yield back the balance of my time."

At the end of the initial debate period, the amendment process starts. The amendments will come up according to the " unanimous consent agreement." The author of the bill can speak about the amendment for one minute.

After all debate and voting on amendments, the Presiding Officer announces that "under the rule, the previous question is ordered." Debate stops, and the Senate votes measure before it.

Final recorded votes take place on each measure as well as on major amendments. Passage of floor amendments shall be by simple majority.  Final floor passage of bills shall require at least one member of the minority party.


As participants in this legislative exercise, you and your colleagues will gain from the experience what you put into it. Stick to your role at all times and prepare carefully
  •  You are always speaking to the chair.
  •  A member must attract the chair's attention by saying "Mr. Chairman" (or "Madam Chairman") in committee, or "Mr. President" (or "Madam President") in full session.
  •  Thus, remarks commonly begin with "Mr. (or Madam) Chairman" in committee, or "Mr. President" in full session.
  •  Do not refer to your colleagues directly when addressing a committee or the chamber. For instance, if you wish to comment on the remarks of a colleague you would say, "Mr. (or Madam) Chairman, my distinguished colleague from Maryland has just said black is white and I would like to point out that . . . ."
  •  To ask a question or to make a comment while another member is speaking, you would say, "Mr. (or Madam) Chairman, will the gentleman (gentlewoman) yield?"
  •  You should refer to yourself as "I."
  •  To signify the conclusion of your remarks: "I yield back the balance of my time."
  •  To ask for clarification of the parliamentary situation: "A parliamentary inquiry, Mr. (or Madam) Chairman."
  •  To do something not permitted by the rules: "I ask unanimous consent that . . . ."
  •  To discuss or ask for clarification of a unanimous consent request: "Reserving the right to object . . . ."
  •  To enforce a rule: "I make a point of order against on the grounds that . . . ."
  •  The legitimate purpose of "a point of information" is to ask a question, not to inject one's view of the facts of a situation.
  • Remember that time is short. Avoid dilatory tactics.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Political Deals II

Last year's roster

For Tuesday, Davidson, ch. 10 and 11.

Partisanship, bipartisanship, and East Palestine

Partisan politics continues, though.  See the CRA

Crisis and Scandal as a Prod to Action

Sanders and McCain find a deal

Bernie Sanders and John McCain

Policy Windows and  The Issue-Attention Cycle

Image result for issue-attention cycle

Public Lands Case Study

 Image result for public lands forests map

A couple of quotations about Congress and life in general:
  • "At some point somebody has to decide, let's do it the old-fashioned way, which is `one thing I hate for one thing I love.'" (Lawrence, p. 39)
  • "Here's a list of what we have to have. Here's a list of the ones we really, really hate. Here's a list of `if you put this language on page 4 we could swallow it.' And then you work that list." (Lawrence, pp. 40-41).

    More recent examples:

    The 2014 farm bill and the "dairy cliff" penalty default (Lawrence, p. 51)

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