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Sunday, April 21, 2019

Final Essay, Spring 2019

Answer one of the following:
  1. Take any of JFK’s “profiles in courage.” How might a critic disagree with the analysis? How does this story illustrate differences and similarities between the Congress of its time and the Congress of today?
  2. Should Congress amend the War Powers Resolution?  If not, explain why current law is superior to its alternatives.  If so, explain what changes you would make.  In your answer, take account of military and political tradeoffs.
  3. In light of the Mueller report, should the House of Representatives launch an impeachment inquiry?  In your answer, examine the legal, factual, and political issues, and ponder the A. JohnsonNixon and Clinton precedents. What are grounds for impeachment?  What are the potential risks and benefits to both parties?
  • Essays should be typed (12-point), double-spaced, and no more than four pages long. I will not read past the fourth page. 
  • Submit papers as Word documents, not pdfs.
  • Cite your sources. Use Turabian/Chicago endnotes
  • Watch your spelling, grammar, diction, and punctuation. Errors will count against you. Return essays to the Sakai dropbox by 11:59 PM, Wednesday, May 8. Papers will drop one gradepoint for one day’s lateness, a full letter grade after that.  

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